Tea tasting: Tenkuu no Yamacha

天空ノ山茶, literally "heavenly mountain tea", is really heavenly. It is produced in the deep mountains of western Tokushima, specifically Yamashiro village near Oboke. I bought it at the Oboke Roadside Station, popular for its great view of the mighty Yoshino River and the Oboke Gorge. The tea is grown on steep slopes that are well-drained, … Continue reading Tea tasting: Tenkuu no Yamacha

Pan-fried chicken breast coated with tea and oats

This was something totally random that I thought of, when my mom asked me to come up with something new for our dinner menu. With chicken breast as the meat option, I figured we could try something fairly healthy. Ingredients: Chicken breast 1T tea leaves, crushed (I used the sencha I have been drinking of late) 1T … Continue reading Pan-fried chicken breast coated with tea and oats