Happy International Tea Day!

May 21 is International Tea Day, as designated by the United Nations General Assembly. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has led the annual observance since May 2020.

The celebration promotes the sustainable production, consumption, and trade of tea, and offers an opportunity for actors at global, regional and national levels.

This year’s theme of “Honouring women around the world, from crop to cup” serves to highlight women and their role in the tea sector.

Clearly the sector plays a key role in reducing extreme poverty (SDG1), fighting hunger (SDG2), empowering women (SDG5), supporting the sustainable use of the terrestrial ecosystem (SDG15), and in contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

As always, the observance will be inaugurated by FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu at the FAO headquarters in Rome. This year’s event continues to be a hybrid event that starts from 9am Central European Summer Time (CEST).

Following the inauguration, there will be a dialogue featuring the participation of the FAO Director-General and women representatives from the tea and coffee sectors.

Those who are not able to attend the on-site event have the option to join virtually through Zoom.

The link is at:

Meeting ID: 955 6056 4414
Passcode: 11894463

I might tune in, if I’m free. I think it would be 3-5pm where I’m at, but usually I have stuff to do during those hours on weekdays. Let’s see if I could spare some time this afternoon.

Also, it’s quite apt that the first of my shincha orders arrived yesterday. Yippeeee!! Going to be drinking NEEEWW tea today in conjunction with International Tea Day! But the review part will come _much_ later. Ha.

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